
SF>AK via YOU!!!

well, after 6 months down under, I'm back stateside, but before I settle down easy, I gotta go out with a bang.  next month, I'm headin up north for a while. my mate Wilbur's gotta boat in Anchorage, and the siren's are a singin'.

How should I split the 3000 miles up over 14 days? Know of a good brewery? A delightful campsite? A promisin fishin hole? An epic farm? Your salty uncle with a fishing boat?  Gotta good book I should read? A album that will make the hours fly by?  A mustache barber in Portland that serves complimentary PBR's? 

Anything you got between San Fransisco and Anchorage AK, I wanna hear about it.

...and if nothing else, while I'm not fending off grizzlies and moose with my buck knife, I'll try my very best to keep you posted here on beachfleas, so sit back and enjoy the ride!


  1. Hey man, reading this just made me think of one of my favorite spots back home (CA). It is a little far east towards Tahoe so I am not sure if you will be heading that direction but I figured I would shoot you a heads up anyways. Along highway 4 theres a town called Arnold that I go and visit occasionally with the gf, her family has a cabin there. In Arnold there's this tiny little brewery called the Snowshoe Brewery. Nothing spectacular but it has the charm of a small mountain town brewery that you can't really find many places. Food isn't great, but after a day of hiking/fishing theres nothing better than a cold snowshoe. The brewery is great, but the best thing is just 5 minutes up the highway is Calveras Big Trees State Park. Really fun state park with a lot to do. Good hikes and fishing (look up Beaver Creek, love a few spots along there). If you do end up going theres a bait and tackle shop about 2-3 minutes up from the brewery on the right. They are very helpful and informative in finding some prime, not so trafficked, fishing holes. Hope the trip up north is a blast,
    Casey C.-

  2. One other side note, my aunt and uncle up in Portland rave about their food cart scene there. I think Portland has made a name for itself in this food cart movement so you have might have heard about some but they visit a food cart gathering place called Cartlandia pretty regularly.

    1. dang man, that all sounds so rad. I will certainly try to get to everything I can, and report back. Hope you're well. Cheers

  3. Please go stay with my friend Ursula in Portland, I am sure she would gladly show you around to some food cart delights ( one of which I think my friend Kate owns....) and if you wanna pit stop in my hometown Ashland, my parents would gladly take you in and feed you homemade tortillas and my father would make you throw boomerangs. I think Sarah Wheatley might be in Washington somewhere as well.....I wanna go too! Have fun Ruddy Duck. See you on the flip side.

  4. aww thanks Erika, I will be hitting you up for some more info for sure. thanks a ton, ruddy duck.
