every culture has their own version...cooking a meal in the ground is probably one of the most effective, tastiest, and primitive methods of preparing food, particularly animal flesh. here's a modernized rendition of a traditional Maori hangi
an old drum is filled with river stones. the circumference, pohutukawa logs on end. a fire is built in the center of an old wheel beneath to get it all goin |
as the logs burn, the stones are heated until they are white hot |
the stones are carefully shoveled into the bottom of a hole |
brined pork, corned beef, chickens, leg of lamb, and veggies in wet muslin cloth (pumpkin, kumera and potatoes) on a bed of banana leaves await their sauna |
then gets covered with a wet old bed sheet |
wet burlap sacks and soil seal and insulate the top for a few hours |
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